FAO logo. Photo credit: Twitter.com

FAO logo. Photo credit: Twitter.com

The Director-General of the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) has assured Solomon Islands of its continuous assistance.

Dr. Jose Graziano da Silva made the assurance to the Minister of Agriculture and Livestock Hon. Duddley Kopu and his Permanent Secretary Jimi Saelea during the recent bilateral talks held in Putrajaya, Malaysia.

The Ministry of Agriculture quotes Mr. Saelea as saying issues of national interest were discussed with the FAO Director-General.

He says Dr. Jose Graziano da Silva has given his assurance that FAO will consider the requests and appropriate assistance which will be provided in due course.

Another important bilateral meeting was held with the Republic of Vanuatu delegation where trade was discussed.

Also discussed at some length was the cattle trade, with both parties agreeing to review the current Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2010.

The Permanent Secretary adds, other areas discussed include a fish trade between Solomon Island and Vanuatu.

Minister Kopu and his Permanent Secretary held the bilateral talks while attending the FAO’s 33rd Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific from 7 – 11 this month.

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