1st HLM for AIS Forum concludes in Bali with Leaders Declaration
The 1st High Level Meeting for Archipelagic Island States (AIS) concluded in Bali, Indonesia with a Leaders Declaration.
The meeting was Chaired by the President of Indonesia, Mr Joko Widodo and attended by a number of Heads of States/Government, Ministers and senior government officials.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs and External Trade, Hon. Jeremiah Manele led the Solomon Islands delegation on behalf of the Hon. Prime Minister.

The Solomon Islands delegation led by Minister of Foreign Affairs and External Trade, Hon. Jeremiah Manele
The theme of 1st HLM was “ fostering collaboration, enabling innovation, for our ocean and our future”.
In his national statement during the HLM, Foreign Minister Manele stated, the theme is timely and fitting.
It is critically important for AIS members to work in collaboration with each other, other stakeholders and development partners to seek practical solutions to address the development issues and challenges faced by AIS members.
Minister Manele further adds, Solomon Islands encourage synergy with other development partners, including sub-regional, regional and international organisations in order to implement practical and workable solutions for AIS members.

Minister of Foreign Affairs and External Trade, Hon. Jeremiah Manele during the meeting
On the four thematic areas that forms the foundation of the AIS Forum, Minister reiterates, “we must foster collaboration and enable innovations to address climate change, natural disasters, the blue economy, marine debris and other forms of marine pollution and good maritime governance”
On the Leaders Declaration, the Minister stated, “Solomon Islands welcome the declaration on the solidarity of the AIS Forum and concur with the elevation of the AIS Forum into an Archipelagic and Island State Organisation.
Solomon Islands is one of the 51 members of the AIS Forum and actively participated in Ministerial and Senior Officials meetings since its inception in 2018.