Honourable John Maneniaru-Minister for Fisheries and Marine Resources and MP for West Are’are. Photo credit: GCU.
The passage of the Fisheries Management Bill 2015 will ensure our continued access to the European Union markets.
Hon. John Maneniaru, Minister of Fisheries made this explanation when he tabled the Bill.
Minister Maneniaru says the European Union, the single most important market for the country’s tuna products has put us on notice concerning certain obligatory measures to be reflected in our legislation which will ensure our continued access to the EU markets.
He stressed the closure of the EU markets means a loss of 2,000 jobs in Noro and the country cannot allow that to happen.
Mr. Maneniaru says it is obligatory as National Leaders to protect the employment of these Solomon Islands.
He says EU requirements are reflected in the new legislation to demonstrate that Solomon Islands is taking appropriate required measures to align our laws with international best practices.
The new law is premised on the principles that all natural living aquatic resources of Solomon Islands and the environment in which they exist are a natural asset and heritage of the people of Solomon Islands.
The customary rights of indigenous Solomon Islanders are recognised and upheld among other principles.
The Bill was passed with amendments in Parliament.