‘Pay up your Outstanding Fees before enrolling for Semester 2’, says Dr. Maebuta
The Solomon Islands National University (SINU) calls on students and Fees payers to pay up all their outstanding fees before enrolling for the second semester of 2021.
The call came after students and fee payers still owed the University nearly a hundred thousand dollars of outstanding fees.
Speaking during the opening of SINU’s Faculty of Education and Humanities complex today, SINU Acting Vice-Chancellor Dr. Jack Maebuta says the outstanding amounts are from constituencies, private sponsored students, and the Guadalcanal Province.
“The current huge outstanding fees are, constituencies have $37.9 million outstanding, private students have 49.7m, and Guadalcanal Province $4.7 million, totaling up to $92.3 million.
In good faith I call on fee payers to settle these huge outstanding fee areas before enrolling your students for the second semester,” Dr. Maebuta says.
Towards the end of last semester, the SINU Management showed leniency and allowed all students to sit for the first semester’s final exams.
The arrangement came with an understanding that all fees must be paid before transcripts can be issued.