Risk. Photo credit:

Risk. Photo credit:

The UNDP’s Pacific Risk Resilience Programme (PRRP) in partnership with the Ministry of Development Planning and Aid Coordination have successfully organised a Ministerial Planners training over the weekend in Honiara.

Jack Filiomea from the Ministry’s Planning Department says it is a tool that would integrate disaster risk into National Government planning.

“The training last week was on a risk training tool mainly for planners at the government ministries, those who involved especially with proposal filling and appraisal forms developed by the Ministry of Development Planning and to circulate them to the line ministries every year for them to do their submissions to the Ministry of Development Planning. This is aiming to integrate risk into the overall planning in the government system.”

Mr Filiomea says this training will ensure future development plans go through a process where all considerations for exposure to risks during times of natural disasters.

He says positive feedbacks have been received about the training.

“Feedback, endpoints and contributions from the line ministries and from people in the government system has generally been positive. A lot of people have supported these and people are starting to recognize that it’s about time that we have to consider risk in terms of thoughts and particularly in planning.”

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