Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo has praised the Ministry of Home Affairs for taking responsibility to improve lives through a new civil registration system. Photo: Courtesy of Coral Triangle Initiative

Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo has praised the Ministry of Home Affairs for taking responsibility to improve lives through a new civil registration system. Photo: Courtesy of Coral Triangle Initiative

Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo has praised the Ministry of Home Affairs for taking responsibility to improve lives through a new civil registration system.

Speaking during the launch of the new Electronic Civil Registration system yesterday, Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo said birth registration represents permanent and official record of the existence of an individual by the Government.

“It recognises the right of every child to a name, nationality, and to know the identity of his or her parents. That I am sure that all of us understand that it is the universal rights to birth registration, which is guaranteed under the Births and Deaths Registration Act, which is the current applicable law in our country and the policies of our government, in particular as it relates to Article 7 of the United Nation Convention on the Rights of the Child, in which our government have ratified in 1995,” said Mr. Lilo.

The Prime Minister also said he is encouraged the Ministry of Home Affairs has taken responsibility to improve lives of Solomon Islanders through a robust civil registration systems.

He said having a birth certificate is the most tangible proof that the Government legally recognizes a child as a member of society.

“Having a birth certificate later in life is key to access services such as health services, school enrolment, access to social security benefits or even obtaining a passport to travel or study overseas.

“It also includes the ability for you to be able to access very essential information such as the opening of bank account, the right to vote, to find employment and so forth. And all of these requires proof of identity and age, and it is so crucial to support the kind of work and compliance and enforcement that we have to do in ensuring that everybody must reach that minimum age as required by our legislation,” said Mr. Lilo.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo has become the first Solomon Islander to own the new look drivers license card, following the official launch of the new Electronic Civil Registration system.

Prime Minister Lilo was also re-issued his birth certificate, generated by the new Electronic Civil Registration system.

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