The three vehicles. Photo credit: SIBC.

The three vehicles. Photo credit: SIBC.

Three schools in West Honiara Constituency have yesterday taken delivery of three new vehicles to meet their transportation needs.

They are the St. John school, Bishop Eppale and Tamlan schools.

The three-tonne trucks were funded by the Member of Parliament for West Honiara, Hon. Namson Tran, through the National Transport Funding under the Ministry of Infrastructure Development.

Speaking to officially hand over the vehicles, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Infrastructure Development, Henry Murray said these are resources that will help to advance learning not only inside, but also outside of the classroom.

“So one of the resources the Ministry can help you with is through these vehicles. It thought that by assisting you through the MP, it can help us to be able to do what the schools can do to help advance or help to make learning better not only inside the classroom but there are other things in which the schools can engage to create better learning for students and so that’s what the Ministry is trying to do”.

Meanwhile, West Honiara Constituency Development Officer (CDO) Brian Taupiri said while education is a top priority of the constituency’s development plan, the schools will have to ensure their vehicles are well looked after.

“Education is one of the top priorities in our development plan and we have committed almost 60 percent of Constituency Development Funds towards supporting education within West Honiara. To the students, teachers and administration of Tamlan school, Bishop Eppale school, and St. John school I urge you all please take good care of your school trucks and make good use of it. This is your school truck given to you by your Member of Parliament under the DCCG transportation program through the Ministry of Infrastructure Development”.

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