The Tina River Hydro Project at it's feasibility stage. Photo credit: Business Advantage PNG.

                                         The Tina River Hydro Project at its feasibility stage. Photo credit: Business Advantage PNG.

Critical issues about the Environment and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) report of the Tina Hydro project was recently highlighted by the officials of the Environment division and representatives of non-government organisations in the country.

Issues highlighted included the critical habitats and natural habitats; endangered and endemic species; water and downstream effects; reduced flow region; aquatic migratory species; workers and movements; and lands and compensations.

A media statement from the Project office said the presentation also highlighted the implementation of mitigation measures which will include contractual arrangements, reporting, and implementation oversight.

On the question of how tambu and cultural artifacts in the core area will be dealt with, the office said a cultural heritage management plan is already included in the ESIA, and most sites are already known to the Project office through the land process.

Meanwhile, the statement said the exact location of these will be identified discreetly with the tribes when a final design is completed and where possible sites will be avoided.

Going forward the Project Office said a draft ESIA will be updated for a World Bank Board Meeting Appraisal and uploaded to the World Bank site by mid-December.

It said further additions to the ESIA will be compiled by ADB and disclosed before their Board Meeting next year and a final version updated by the developer with detailed management plans before being submitted to the Ministry of Environment.

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