Former Prime Minister, Danny Philip who tried to address the RIPEL issue in the past leadership. Photo credit: National Parliament of Solomon Islands.

Former Prime Minister, Danny Philip who tried to address the RIPEL issue in the past leadership. Photo credit: National Parliament of Solomon Islands.

Former Russell Islands Plantation Estate Limited, RIPEL, employees in Yandina say the government has failed to address their issues.

Former RIPEL employee spokesperson, Fisher Lulu alleged, they had information from the Prime Minister’s office, the issue will be dealt with by the new government next year.

“My view is that government has failed to settle this RIPEL issue because it has gone through three Prime Miniterships of this country’s leadership then none of them has settled the matter. Now we have received information from the Prime Minister’s Office through the Special Secretary to the Prime Minister that the current government will not deal with it but the next government will.”

Mr Lulu adds, this information triggers questions regarding the future of the country’s agriculture industry.

He says, RIPEL company used to be the country’s biggest investments and must be revived.

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