Lockdown Orders by the Prime Minister is Legally Valid Under the Constitution, High Court Ruled


The High Court recently ruled that the lockdown orders made by the Prime Minister under the COVID-19 Emergency Powers are legally valid under the constitution.

The Court made the ruling in the case of Denis Mitoro Vs REGINA last Wednesday.

The Applicant in the case challenged the constitutionality of the lockdown orders made by the Prime Minister last year.

In her ruling, Justice Maelyn Bird concluded that the Prime Minister had the reason to believe that the May 2020 lockdown was reasonably justifiable.

Attorney General John Muria Junior further explains the decision in a talkback show this afternoon.

“What was refereed to is the constitutionality of knockdowns. Whether provision to hold knockdown is constitutional or contravenes the constitution? On 3th of June, the high court pronounced its judgment ruling that the orders by the Prime minister in terms of knockdowns are constitutionally sound and valid.”

The substantive matter was referred back to the Magistrate Court for disposal.

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