TSI Executive Officer, Daniel Fenua, Edward Ronia Michael Pitakaka of MP Law Chamber firm. Standing outside the High Court Registry Office after filling the case. Photo credit: TSI.

TSI Executive Officer, Daniel Fenua, Edward Ronia Michael Pitakaka of MP Law Chamber firm. Standing outside the High Court Registry Office after filling the case. Photo credit: TSI.

Auditor General, Edward Ronia has filed a case in the High Court, challenging his removal from office last year by the Public Service Commission.

Michael Pitakaka of the MP Law Chamber filed the case on behalf of Mr Ronia.

A statement from Transparency Solomon Islands, TSI, said Mr Ronia has decided to sue the Commission because he believes that the decision to terminate him as the country’s Auditor-General is a matter of public interest that should be reviewed by the courts.

He also believes that his lawsuit is within his rights, making use of avenues available under court rules.

Mr Ronia was advised by the Commission to leave his job late last year on grounds that he was over the official retirement age of 55 years.

TSI Executive Officer, Daniel Fenua said Mr Ronia had been doing a tremendous job over the years and it was a shock that he was not allowed to continue despite his age.

Mr Ronia approached TSI and registered his case with the Advocacy Legal and Advice Centre, ALAC as he was concerned that his termination might have impacted the work of the Office of the Auditor-General negatively.

The statement said Mr Ronia had developed medium term plans for the five year period during his contract and was terminated while in the middle of completing more sensitive aspects of his plans.

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