
Premier of Guadalcanal Province, Hon. Francis Sade has called on the public to be responsible with their waste disposal management.

Hon. Sade made the call following reports of illegal rubbish dumping along the Northwest Guadalcanal Road.

Speaking to SIBC in an interview, Hon. Sade also urges the public to respect Guadalcanal land.

Guadalcanal Premier Hon. Francis Sade

” We have received reports of people disposing their rubbish near the Mamara area and it is unfortunate. Although the Ranadi dump site is full, I call on all our good citizens to be responsible for how you create and manage your waste, as is not right to throw away your waste somewhere for someone else to take care of it.

“Please respect land that is in the jurisdiction of Guadalcanal Province and don’t use it as a dump site.”

Over the weeks, communities in Northwest Guadalcanal have raised similar concerns and described such actions of illegal rubbish dumping as an eyesore and a pollution to the environment.

With people travelling to the surrounding beaches every weekend, communities have also urged visitors to dispose their rubbish properly and at the right place.

A pile of rubbish near Mamara, Northwest Guadalcanal.

Premier Sade also confirms that they will be working towards addressing the issue.

” I believe the long term solution to this is for a new dump site to replace the Ranadi dumpsite. But in the short term, through our law enforcement and in collaboration with the Mamara Development, we will be looking at ways to closely monitor vehicles that are travelling through Mamara and surrounding areas to identify those who are participating in the illegal disposal of waste.

In the long term, we will continue to support the Honiara City Council, through the ADB project to identify a new landfill site for Honiara City. I’ve met with the team from ADB just recently and we’ve discussed about this new landfill site,” said Premier Sade.

The Honiara City Council has been looking for a new dumpsite since the current Ranadi dumpsite was reported to have reached its maximum capacity with no space to accommodate additional wastes.

With the Pacific Games coming up, the National Hosting Authority (NHA) through the support of the government entered into a partnership agreement with HCC earlier this year to support clean-up programs within respective wards within Honiara City.

A component of this partnership is for NHA to support HCC in its efforts to manage the Ranadi Rubbish dumpsite.

This partnership is part of the Safe and Green Games campaign which provides a platform for the government and its stakeholders, including Guadalcanal Province, to work together in keeping the country clean.


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