PM Manele forego UNGA to focus on important legislations

PM Manele forego UNGA to focus on important legislations


Prime Minister Hon. Jeremiah Manele MP is committed, and determined to ensure key legislations to trigger transformational changes are ready for this year’s parliament session.

That unwavering focus is demonstrated in PM Manele’s decision to forego the United Nations General Assembly Annual Meeting this week in New York, United States of America.

PM Manele decided to commit this week to work along- side certain government ministers who are in the process of bringing to parliament important bills. 

During a press conference over the weekend, the Prime Minister stated that the government has “…several key legislations that will create the conducive environment for transformational change in our country. These legislations are so important and must be tabled this year”. 

“As leader of the government, it is my duty to ensure that I must personally lead the efforts to prioritise the completion and preparation of these transformational legislations with my respective ministers to be tabled in Parliament this year,” PM Manele stated. 

The Prime Minister further added that it is his view that the setting of the transformational legislative agenda as his most important responsibility at this juncture. Moreso, he added that to address this requires his presence in the country. 

“I must balance my attention to addressing our domestic priority with my international responsibilities in which I represent our country at key events we participate in,” the Prime Minister underscored. 

PM Manele outlined to the media that he will spend this week with relevant ministers and their ministries, as well as the Drafting Department in the Attorney General’s Chambers to accelerate the progress of the important legislation.

“Ensuring these transformational legislations to be tabled in parliament will unlock the opportunities for transformational change in our development agenda,” PM Manele added. 

The Prime Minister reiterated that he is not attending the UNGA meeting for this year and tasked the Minister of Foreign Affairs and External Trade to lead the Solomon Islands delegation to the 79th session of the UNGA in New York.

The National Parliament will resume sitting on November 4th, two important legislations will go before parliament at the time this include the tabling, debating and passing of the 2025 Budget and the tabling of the transformative legislative agenda. 


Prime Minister’s Press Secretariat

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