SICTU congratulate the auditor general and his officers for the successful release of the COVID stimulus package Funding Audit Report

SICTU congratulate the auditor general and his officers for the successful release of the COVID stimulus package Funding Audit Report


SICTU congratulate the auditor general and his officers for the successful release of the COVID stimulus package Funding Audit Report. Your diligent efforts in conducting this audit are commendable and have shed light on the allocation and management of the said funds.

The findings of the audit are crucial for ensuring transparency, accountability, and integrity in the handling of public resources, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic stimulus funding support to public during height of the pandemic when all business paralyse.

It is imperative that the government acts swiftly and decisively in responding to the report’s recommendations to address any identified shortcomings and ensure that public funds are used effectively and efficiently.

In light of the implications raised in the audit report, SICTU urge the government to take urgent action to protect officers implicated in the findings without the opportunity to responds but remain responsive to public expectation for justice by formally investigating officers who are clearly responsible for breaches identified in the report.

It is essential that these officers are given the opportunity to respond to the report and present their perspectives on the matter. This will not only ensure fairness and due process but also contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the issues at hand.

SICTU trust that the government will prioritize accountability and transparency in addressing the findings of the audit report and take proactive steps to safeguard the interests of the public. Government continued oversight and monitoring of public finances are vital in upholding good governance and fostering trust in our institutions.

SICTU will call a special council meeting to allow special presentation aim at enlightening council affiliate members on the issue at hand.

SICTU affiliate’s members distance itself from public officers implicated in the report until their names are cleared.

It is imperative that those responsible for misusing public funds are held accountable and that transparent and ethical leadership is upheld to safeguard the interests of the people.

SICTU call upon all workers to join forces in this crucial effort to uphold integrity and demand justice for our nation when the need arise.

The Solomon Islands Council of Trade Unions strongly urges the government to promptly refer for investigation public officers and recipients implicated in the audit report.

SICTU will take proactive action in holding those implicated accountable if the government fails to provide transparent and responsible leadership.

It is crucial that those entrusted with public resources are held to the highest standards of integrity and are held accountable for their actions


-SICTU Press Release 

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