Portrait of a voting ballot. Photo credit: Radio Facts.

Portrait of a voting ballot. Photo credit: Radio Facts.

Anglican Father John Gatu Senior says while a lot has been said about the need for leadership change, the greater need remains – a change in the voter attitude.

Father Gatu from Tana Sali area, West Guadalcanal told SIBC News, voters who have the upper hand in influencing MPs have been mostly over looked.

He says voters need to shift from the cargo cult mentality where they vote and wait for cargoes, roofing irons and solar projects from their MP.

Father Gatu explains, nothing is wrong about receiving these goods and services from an MP, but huge expectations from voters who regard MPs as their saviour can lead to corruption.

He says, voters tend to sell their ID cards and go knocking on intending candidates door requesting all sorts is setting the
candidate in an awkward position before he or she actually wins the election.

Father Gatu says, when MPs could not meet these expectations, they get their hands in public or project money – This is where corruption creeps in.

He says a change in the attitude of the masses is urgent.

Father Gatu adds, it is important that those running in the coming election must achieve a certain form of qualification so they attend and involve in government business including parliament meetings with meaning.

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