Appointment of SIWA Board is lawful

Appointment of SIWA Board is lawful


The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification Hon. Bradley Tovosia MP, has exercised powers vested upon him by the Solomon Islands Water Authority Act in appointing the SIWA Board pursuant to Schedule 2 of the Act.

Minister Tovosia is responding to the accusation by the Leader of the Independent Group in parliament that the Minister’s decision has exceeded the powers vested in him by the law.

In a statement today Minister Tovosia said, the appointment of the SIWA board is done within the boundaries of the law.

“If the Leader of the Independent Group in Parliament thinks that the Minister is acting outside of the Act, then the right place to challenge this is in the Court. The Leader of Independent is not the Court to say that the Minister is acting outside his powers under the Solomon Islands Water Authority Act.”

The statement reiterated, the Minister has exercised his powers and made a decision.

“If the Leader of Independent is not happy then please go to the court to seek a declaration that the Minister has acted contrary to the law.”

Minister Tovosia explained, politicizing the issue in the media does not serve any good. If this is an issue of national importance then the place to go is the Court and not the media.

“I stand ready to defend myself in Court for exercising powers vested upon me by the people of Solomon Islands,” said Minister Tovosia.


– Government Communication Unit

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