High Commissioner Andrew Byrne met Prime Minister Sogavare today to offer Australia’s congratulations on his election. Photo credit: Australia In Solomon Islands facebook page.
Australian High Commissioner Andrew Byrne has congratulated Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare on his election, and pledge to work closely with his government.
High Commissioner Byrne met Prime Minister Sogavare yesterday to discuss the two countries’ shared priorities.
His excellency Byrne offers warm congratulations to Prime Minister Sogavare.
He says Prime Minister Sogavare is his good friend since he arrived in the country.
Mr Byrne says, he looks forward to working closely with Prime Minister Sogavare and his government on various issues.
High Commissioner Byrne said Australia’s commitment to Solomon Islands was enduring.
Meanwhile, he adds, the Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has also called Prime Minister Sogavare to congratulate him and assure him of Australia’s support.
The High Commissioner said all Solomon Islanders should be proud of how well the democratic process had gone in the last month.
Mr Byrne congratulate all Solomon Islanders on the role they played during the National general Election.