A public transport service provider along the central part of Malaita is calling on both the MPs for East Malaita, West and Central Kwara’ae to repair the main roads within their constituencies, which are in very bad condition.
Samson O’o told SIBC News the roads have been in a bad condition for so long and providing transport services are quite expensive.
Mr. O’o says it is quite difficult to provide transport services when there is high passenger demand, but the roads are bad.
“As a truck driver I’ve found it very hard when passenger demands are currently high and with the bad road conditions, it costs us drivers so much. I would like to urge MP Sam Iduri’i and the MP for Central Kwara’ae Jackson Fiulaua the South road is also deteriorating as I was there last week and I would like them to prioritize these roads.”
SIBC News understands of the two MPs mentioned one is now serving his third term in Parliament while another his second, in representing their constituencies.