Malaita Premier Peter Chanel Ramohia. Photo credit: OPMC.

                                                            Malaita Premier Peter Chanel Ramohia. Photo credit: OPMC.

A Malaita citizen David Siteabata has joined the Member of the Provincial Assembly for Ward Seven in Malaita Province Hon. Leslie Kwaiga in calling the Malaita Provincial Premier Hon. Peter Ramohia to clarify the Malaita Provincial Government’s Borrowing Policy.

Mr. Siteabata told SIBC News this morning, it’s a shock to hear from Hon. Kwaiga, the Malaita Provincial Government runs a borrow and lending business.

He urge Hon Kwaiga to reveal other details of the issue.

“I just want to ask Mr. Lesley Kwaiga to come out to the media if he sees things are not right because I believe this is just the tip of an iceberg of the underlying corruption that remains in the province. I would like to join Mr. Kwaiga in making this strong call on the Premier of Malaita province to make a deep, clear and clean clarification on the borrowing system.”

Meanwhile, the Malaita Provincial Premier Hon Peter Ramohia says, he is not in a position to comment on the claims as the callers are ignorant about everything happening with the provincial executive.

Premier Ramohia told SIBC News, his Provincial government borrow to revitalize the province’s near-collapse economic vein.

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