CSSI Thanks Australia for Funding Eight Pre-Fabricated Building Modules

CSSI Thanks Australia for Funding Eight Pre-Fabricated Building Modules


By Alfred Pagepitu

The Correctional Service of Solomon Islands (CSSI) has acknowledged the Australian Government for funding the construction of eight pre-fabricated building modules.

CSSI is one lucky recipient in the country, after 20 years, to receive these new facilities.

They are to accommodate CSSI’s Emergency Response Group (ERG) Office, Initial Staging facilities, storage for the CSSI Rehabilitation and Reintegration Programs Unit, and archives management.

Deputy Commissioner Operations Michael Nagu acknowledged Australia and Island Enterprise Ltd for the completion of the buildings.

“I would like to sincerely acknowledge the Australian Government for the continues support in providing the funding through the Australia and Solomon Islands Law and Justice partnership, which supports agencies across the sector to promote stability and security across the country.”

“This includes supporting CSSI’s small-scale infrastructure priorities, training and capability building, and strategic planning,” he said.

Nagu also thanked the Infrastructure and Maintenance Team for working in partnership with Island Enterprise and DFAT to achieve this great result.

He explained that these new facilities are all placed within the compound of CSSI Headquarters and are first-time infrastructure initiatives for CSSI.

“They will provide the agency with added capacity to carry out its core mandated responsibilities in these crucial areas of administration,” Nagu said.


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