Hon. Dr. Derek Sikua, Minister for Education and Human Resources Development and MP for Northeast Guadalcanal. Photo credit: SIBC.
The Democratic Coalition for Change (DCC) Government said it hopes to see its tertiary education sub-sectors completed during its term in office.
Minister of Education and Human Resources Development, Dr. Derek Sikua made the statement during a Tertiary Education Think Tank meeting held in Honiara this week.
The meeting brought together tertiary education providers and education stakeholders from the government, churches, the donor community and the region, to discuss the country’s new tertiary education system.
In his opening remarks, Dr Sikua said the DCC government would like to see the following education sub-sectors completed within the next four years.
“First, the approval of the Education Bill 2015, the approval and implementation of the new scholarships policy and scholarships procedures, a review of the tertiary education policy, the further development of the national human resources development and training council.”
Meanwhile, the Education Minister also outlined the other sub-sectors.
“The establishment of the tertiary education commission, the establishment of the Solomon Islands qualification authority to strengthen and support capacity and infrastructure development at the Solomon Islands National University, eight, the development of a new TVET policy and lastly but not the least, the establishment of the University of the South Pacific Campus at Doma.”
Dr. Sikua emphasized that the partnership between ministries, international supporters and the University of the South Pacific is vital, to achieve these goals.