Map of Rennel Mine Deposit Area. Photo credit: LALSU.

Map of Rennel Mine Deposit Area. Photo credit: LALSU.

Environmental Impact Assessment, EIA, stage is vital for landowners and land users in the country, says head of the Landowners’ Advocacy and Legal Support Unit, Martha Manaka.

Mrs Manaka, a Public Solicitors lawyer, made the comments today in a statement, following concerns by the Office that mining operations are racing ahead of community awareness on issues of mining rights.

She said, the EIA stage is vital for landowners and land users and anyone who will be affected by a project can formally submit a comment or objection to the Ministry of Environment.

The LALSU Head said, some of the biggest impacts of mining on people are the relocation of their homes, villages or gardens; the impacts of foreign workers on culture and traditions; and the increase in jobs and the boost to the economy.

She says another common concern is pollution to rivers or sea that are used for swimming, drinking or fishing.

She adds, recent problems with Gold Ridge highlight the importance of placing good conditions on a mine – such as, strong monitoring conditions, conditions allowing the affected public access to information, and mine closure plans.

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