MECDM Minister Samuel Manetoali, PS Dr Melchior Mataki and Fisheries Director Edward Honiwala briefed on some of the displays yesterday. Photo credit: SIBC.
The Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology (MECDM) today celebrated World Environment Day, World Oceans Day and Coral Triangle Day.
Speaking at the occasion this morning, Minister responsible for Environment Samuel Manetoali says the three days event is dedicated to raising awareness about the planet’s most pressing environmental problems.
“These three events have been dedicated to raising awareness about the planet’s most pressing environmental problems such as the loss of biodiversity, pollution, the spread of desertification and deforestation, over fishing, climate change, the need for an inclusive green economy, etc…
He adds, his ministry is committed to marking these events, joining the global community to reflect, promote and advocate for more attention to many of the environmental issues facing this nation’s people.
“Our ministry is committed to marking these events joining our global community to relfect, promote and advocate for more attention to many of the environmental issues faced by our communities, our provinces and our government.”
Meanwhile Coral Triangle day falls tomorrow 9th June, while Environment Day falls annually on 5th June and 8th June is World Oceans Day.
Theme for Environment Day is “Zero Tolerance on the Illegal Wildlife Trade – Go Wild for Life,” while Oceans Day theme for 2016 is “No ples for Plastics.”
Celebrations continue tomorrow.