Woman washing dishes, using one of the 21 standpipes installed in Kolosori Community. Photo credit: EU Honiara Office.

Woman washing dishes, using one of the 21 standpipes installed in Kolosori Community. Photo credit: EU Honiara Office.

Projects funded by the European Union (EU) in Buala, Isabel Province have been assessed recently by project officials from the European Union Delegation to Solomon Islands.

A statement from the EU Office in Honiara said the team, led by EU Cooperation Attaché Ms Lorena Elvira Ayuso and Evaluation Expert Keith Owen, visited Isabel last week for the final evaluation of community-based development projects.

Five projects funded by the EU were visited last week.

These includes the Rural Advancement Micro Projects Programme (RAMP), facilitated by the Solomon Islands Government, Improving WASH in the Solomon Islands (iWASH), funded by the EU Water Facility and implemented with UNICEF and the Rural Development Programme Phase I (RDP I), implemented by the World Bank.

EU Cooperation Attaché Elvira Ayuso said the villages visited included Kolosori, Kubulotto, Nareabu, Guguha School and Hovikoilo are direct beneficiaries of the projects.

Meanwhile, she said local community elders spoke very highly of the support given by the donor community and the European Union, in particular.

The elders said the improved access to clean water has substantially improved their standard of living.

The EU statement said women have been key players at the heart of decision-making over priorities and implementation of the activities, particularly under phase I of the RDP.

European Union is working together with the Government in its vision to provide easy access to clean water, appropriate sanitation and disseminate good hygiene practices for all communities in Solomon Islands by 2024.

It is backing its support with a Sector Reform Contract of 13-million Euros, which is around SBD$115-million.

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