Fisheries Ministry investigates illegal harvesting of beche-de-mer
By Alfred Pagepitu
The Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources is investigating reports of illegal harvesting of beche-de-mer in certain parts of the country.
This comes after the ministry received reports of illegal harvesting of beche-de-mer despite the current nationwide ban on harvesting bech-de-mer.
Director of Fisheries, Edward Honiwala said despite requests to lift the ban, it remains enforced since September 2022.
“The ban on beche-de-mer is still in place throughout the country.”
“We are still receiving requests from some communities, through their Members of Parliament asking the ministry to consider lifting the ban.
“They are requesting the Ministry to lift the ban as they are hungry and without food, but the ministry will discuss this request as it is important to preserve these resources for the years to come and not just think of today,” Honiwala said.
He acknowledged the challenges posed while the ministry is considering the requests.
Officers were deployed to certain parts of Honiara to investigate and help put a stop to the illegal harvesting of beche-de-mer.
“There is a misconception among the public that the ban on beche-de-mer will be lifted, which is why they are continuing to harvest.
“We are making efforts to raise awareness within our communities to protect our marine resources from overharvesting,” he said.
He added continuous harvesting will deplete the current stock of beche-de-mer.
“Illegal harvesting continues to have a negative impact on marine resources, with some individuals prioritizing their immediate needs over the long-term health of the environment,” Honiwala said.
The Fisheries Director warned against purchasing beche-de-mer without a license, as it is illegal under the Fisheries Act.
Those caught engaging in illegal activities will face consequences according to the law of the country.
He called for patience, saying that the ministry will announce to the public once the ban is lifted.