The staff of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources underwent a Digital Observer Service training on the use of electronic Monitoring equipment in Honiara this week.
A brief presentation on the electronic Monitoring equipment was conducted by Chief Surveyor Gonzalo Marcos.
The training educates staff on the use of high definition cameras on longline fishing vessels to monitor fishing activities.
Director of Fisheries and Marine Resources Edward Honiwala said the e-monitoring system will improve the monitoring of fishing activities undertaken by longline fishing vessels when implemented next year.
It can also show the movement of vessels within the EEZ, take photographs of fish taken on board for identification purposes and also measure the length of fish caught when analysing the images.
Initial trials on the use of this hi-tech e-monitoring equipment showed successful results.
The high-definition cameras will be fitted on three strategic locations inside the ship and Marcos is confident with continuous improvement to the system it will enhance compliance inside the fishing vessels.