Gold Ridge Landowners questions royalty payment
Gold Ridge Landowners are demanding the government and the ministry of mines to provide an explanation as why they have still not received their royalty payment.
Gold Ridge Council member, Mr Derrick Gisi conveyed the landowners stand.
Mr Gisi said in April this year, the director of mines has promised landowners, their royalty payment was already in the Central Bank.
He stressed, the long wait until now proved it was an empty promise.
The landowners representative said the 16 tribes of Gold Ridge were promised $358,000 Solomon dollars.
Mr Gisi warned, if the government fails to deliver the royalty payment, the landowners will be staging a march until they receive their money.
”The question is, where is our money, we have been waiting for 5 months and still nothing has happened, he said.
” We are requesting an explanation whether the money is still there, or has it already been used.”
He said responsible authorities need to take this issue seriously.
Mr Gisi said a lot of land owners have been informed about the royalty payment and have been tired of waiting since.
The tribal bank accounts opened for this purpose have since closed.