Governor General Sir Frank Kabui says the Solomon Islands Government firmly believes the way forward would be achieved by implementing good policies and empowering people to be engaged in productive activities and absorbed in gainful employment.
The Governor-General made the remark when he presented the Speech from the Throne this morning.
He says our people should not expect aid donors and politicians to provide cash and cargo-cult handout mentality.
His Excellency Sir Kabui adds such attitudes must be totally discouraged from making further inroad into Solomon Islands society.
“Such an attitude must be totally discouraged from making further inroad into Solomon Islands society. It must be disowned by everyone because it is a liability and disincentive to balanced economic growth. It is inversely connected to the true nature of our richness. Contrariwise, we are endowed with an abundance of natural resources.”
The Governor General also emphasized, our people have always lived a simple but acceptable standard of living – reflecting their true dignity.
The Traditional Speech from the Throne marks the opening of the second meeting of the 10th Parliament.
Meanwhile, Members of Parliament met briefly when the honourable House commenced this morning.
In the brief meeting which lasted only about seven minutes, the speaker of Parliament Mr. Ajilon Nasiu Welcomed the MPs to the second meeting of the 10th House.
Mr Nasiu also welcomes the new clerk to Parliament, Mr. Clezy Rore who took up duty from today.
He adds necessary amendments to relevant standing orders mean any member of parliament wishing to bring a bill to Parliament must do so within 3 clear days before its actual debate.
Members of Parliament met for the ‘Reading by the Speaker of Messages and Announcements’ before the Governor General Sir Frank Ofagioro Uru Kabui delivered the ‘Speech from the Throne’
Parliament Meeting resumes tomorrow.