Government delegation on strategic engagements in Australia.
A high level Government delegation comprising Ministers and backbenchers will leave the country this weekend for various strategic engagements in Australia.
Led by the Acting Prime Minister and Minister for Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification, Hon. Bradley Billy Smoky Rodo Tovosia, the 14 member delegation is down for a tight week-long official schedule. The trip is crucial as it aligns with GNUT’s vision to stimulate economic growth, address pressing challenges, and facilitate positive changes in Solomon Islands.
With an intensive schedule ahead, the delegation aims to follow up on previous discussions regarding the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme.
At the forefront of the agenda is the exploration of opportunities to expand and diversify the Labour Mobility scheme. The delegation will work diligently to gather insights that will contribute to the proposed revised Labour Mobility Scheme Policy Document currently pending cabinet review.
This policy seeks to enhance the benefits and conditions for Solomon Islanders participating in the scheme, maximizing the potential for our citizens to thrive in Australian labour markets.
As part of the visit, the delegation plans to meet with Solomon Islands seasonal workers in their work environment, demonstrating a commitment to understanding their experiences and ensuring that their contributions are recognised and valued.
The delegation will also be joined by the Commissioner of Lands to also meet with the Levers Solomon’s Limited and Russell Islands Plantation Limited Counsel and iron out sideline issues regarding the Levers land titles.
A highlight will be an important dialogue with the Australian Private sector to promote business opportunities in Solomon Islands.
The Government for National Unity and Transformation is serious about advancing legislations and policies for social-economic transformation, human capacity development and above all, national Unity.