Prime Minister Lilo says government will continue to pursue improvement of SINU and other institutions in the country. Photo: Government Communications Unit
Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo has said the government will continue to pursue developments to improve the Solomon Islands National University and other educational institutions in the country.
Mr. Lilo made the statement during a prayer breakfast in Honiara this week.
Speaking to government dignitaries at the prayer breakfast Mr. Lilo said education remains a key platform for the next generation of workers and leaders of the country.
He adds government is serious about reviewing the Education Act to separate basic education and TVET from higher education with the view to establishing an independent higher education commission, with the long-term plan to making the Solomon Islands the higher education hub of the Pacific.
Meanwhile, on land, the Prime Minister said government will continue to pursue customary land mobilisation and reform by looking at ways to bring customary land into productive usage, as land remains fundamental in the country.