Japanese Ambassador Kenichi Kimiya (middle) flanked by members at the signing. Photo credit: SIBC.

Japanese Ambassador Kenichi Kimiya (middle) flanked by members at the signing. Photo credit: SIBC.

A $370,000.00 grant contract was signed today to assist a rural training centre in Isabel Province has been signed under the Japanese Grassroots Program.

The grant will go towards building two new staff houses for the Kholaero Rural Training Centre in Isabel province.

The grant was signed by the Japanese Ambassador to Solomon Islands and the Treasurer of the Solomon Islands Association of Vocational and Rural Training Centres.

Speaking at the signing, Japan’s Ambassador to Solomon Islands Kenichi Kimiya said assisting training centres is a priority area of the Japanese grassroots programme.

“One of the priority areas of assistance under the grassroots programme is supporting vocational training through the construction of school facilities such as staff houses for teachers.”

Meanwhile, in response to the grant, Principal of Kholaero Rural Training Centre Oliver Manepitu said, the project marks a new chapter that will boost teachers morale.

“Today’s event has marked a new chapter in the centre’s history. The Centre has no opportunities by taking similar projects in the past since its establishment. The project will address the staff housing problem currently experienced and will no doubt boost up the morality of the teachers in the centre.”

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