The Honiara City Council's main office in Honiara, Solomon Islands. Photo: Courtesy of Flickr.

The Honiara City Council’s main office in Honiara, Solomon Islands. Photo: Courtesy of Flickr.

The Honiara City Council has yesterday commenced inspection of Point Cruz buildings.

The team consisted inspectors from the Physical Planning and Health Division inspected buildings from the hot bread to the Solfish office at Point Cruz.

The Council’s Legal Advisor Vincent Kohata said the inspection is based on the building ordinances of the Council and the Provisions of the Environmental Act.

He said some of the buildings are very old and their conditions are poor and need to be inspected to comply with the Building Ordinance of the Council adding, it is also to ensure buildings are health friendly.

Mr Kohata said inspectors will be compiling a report for the City Clerk for final recommendation before building owners are instructed on areas to act upon.

The second block of buildings in the CBD area at Point Cruz will be inspected at a later date.

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