Health Minister Meets with Kiluufi Improvement Project Design Team and Kitano Construction Corporation Officials
The Health Minister, Honorable Dr Paul Popora Bosawai who recently was in Japan met up various stakeholders that have been involved in the preparation for the upcoming Kiluúfi Hospital Improvement Project.
Two of such meetings were with the Project Design Team (Fukunaga Architect and Engineers – FAE) and the Kitano Construction Corporation on in Tokyo, Japan on the week between 24th and 28th June 2024.
At the meeting with project design team Honorable Minister stressed that we all needed each other to achieve results and outcomes, and thanked and acknowledged the Fukunaga Architects and Engineers Company and its highly professional experts or architects and engineers who have delivered a very fine job on the project design.
Minister Bosawai mentioned in particular the Project Consultant Mr. Fujinuma who has led and delivered the expectations of the project process through and highlighted that “the project design documentation to date could not have occurred without the leadership of Mr. Fujinuma who delivered a very fine job on this project right from the very start. Mr. Fujinuma and his team were very professional, meticulous and delivered a very detailed project design for the Kiluúfi Improvement Project”
Mr. Fujinuma in response acknowledged the substantial support of the Ministry of Health and Medical Services Team and the Provincial Health Services right from the beginning and during the design phase to the tendering process.
At the meeting with Kitano Construction Corporation, the Minister acknowledged the Kitano Construction Company and highlighted that “Kitano Construction Corporation and its establishment is well known in Solomon Islands because of other development engagement that they have been involved in over the year including the construction of Gizo Hospital in Western Province between 2009 and 2011.
Its presence in Solomon Islands gives Kitano the comparative advantage in terms of their experience of the context on the ground.
The discussions around the improvement of this health facility started over eight years ago in 2016.
It never progressed until in 2019/2020 when senior executive officials revisited the concept again simply on the basis that Solomon Islands population is expanding rapidly and the demand for health services is increasing, and therefore the pressure on the Ministry of Health to improve, expand and deliver on the health services in the country.
The Minister further highlighted that “the improvement of the hospital will not only strengthen the health system and services of Kiluúfi but also the country at large, serving as a significant alternative for the National Referral Hospital (based in Honiara) in terms of additional and provision of tertiary services in the Province where accessibility to these services is close to the people in Malaita therefore reduces the financial hardship and burden by not travelling to our capital in Honiara”.
Following agreed negotiations between the Ministry of Health Officials, the Project Team and Kitano Construction Corporation in liaison with JICA held this week, a letter of intent was signed off on the 27th June 2024 to allow the process and required procedures to occur towards signing of the official signing of the contract with the Kitano Construction Corporation.
– MHMS Press Release