The High Court will continue its hearing into a logging case. Photo:SIBC

The High Court will continue its hearing into a logging case. Photo:SIBC

The High Court will continue its hearing into an application Samlinsan Company Limited filed for the Court to vary the injunction orders in relation to Tehakamagoku land in Rennell, Rennell-Bellona Province in early June.

The Court made the injunction orders in September 2012 – restraining Samlinsan from entering Tehakamagoku Land in West Rennell for the purpose of removing or hauling logs already felled.

The court order also restrains Samlinsan servants and agents from carrying out any activities, including felling trees and constructing roads, in Tehakamagoku Land.

The hearing into the application began on Tuesday this week but was adjourned to June 6.

Samlinsan is also seeking the Court to order that Namalata Customary land within the concession A10543 be demarcated out of the injunction.

Meanwhile, the June hearing may also include an application filed by a group of landowners against Samlinsan for Contempt of Court.

The landowners are alleging that Samlinsan defied the injunction orders of the Court, and continued their logging operation on Tehakamagoku land in Rennell island.

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