Canada's capital city Ottawa. Photo credit: Expedia.

                                              Canada’s capital city Ottawa. Photo credit: Expedia.

A high-level meeting to discuss remittances for foreign workers from Solomon Islands planning to work in Canada is taking place in Canada’s capital Ottawa.

The Remittances Commission consists of Senior Vice-President of one of Canada’s largest banks, Accountants, lawyers and government officials who is discussing policy for CITREC-Guadalcanal Graduates and remittances that workers would send home.

A media statement says one of the major arrangements that CITREC wants all stakeholders to consider is workers from Guadalcanal province should be able to return home with more money and remitting costs to Solomon Islands kept low to benefit and reflect savings.

Meanwhile, the statement said this also involved discussions on what percent of withholding revenue should benefit the Guadalcanal provincial government allowing it to be the major beneficiary of the partnership.

CITREC Chairman Ashwant Dwivedi has asked that Canadian financial institutions introduce a low bank fee package for the GP workers when sending their hard-earned money back home.

Mr. Dwivedi commended the Minister of Education for Guadalcanal province, Hon. Lazarus Rinnah and Education officer Mesac Suia for their continued support to the CITREC project.

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