It will take 130 years for Kangava Bay to fully recover after the oil spill, recent study revealed

MV Solomon Trader ran aground in Kangava Bay last year

The Kangana Bay oil-spill damages in Rennel Atoll will take a hundred and thirty years to completely recover, according to the latest report.

The spill by a Hongkong Flagged MV Solomon Trader in February 2019 damages the Marine Ecosystem is worth up to AUD 50 million.

Member of Parliament for Rennell and Bellona Constituency told the National Parliament during his Sine Die motion debate recently.

“The damages to the marine ecosystem by a 300tones of the heavy crude oil spill is worth at AUD 50 million.”

This will take 130 years for the marine ecosystem to recover.

The spill damaged corals that covered an area of ten thousand square kilometers.

Recently, Landowners have called on the government to fast-track the compensation for damages.

The Minister of Environment Permanent Secretary Dr. Melchior Mataki told SIBC News, the challenge the government is having is the Solomon Islands is not a member of the Bunkers, Convention. 

The Convention deals with oil spill damages and compensation for resource owners in oil spill areas. 

“We have just signed into the Bankers Convention, and the responsible ministry will soon ratify that. Once we are done, we can now take legal action again the SOlomonTraders Insurers.”

The Public Solicitors’ office is currently preparing a compensation case for the Rennell people’s behalf.

by Charley Piringi

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