RAMSI Special Coordinator Mr. Quinton Devlin hand over the keys to former Commissioner of Police Frank Prendergast. Photo credit: RSIPF media.
Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI) Special Coordinator Quinton Devlin has handed over keys to a new, multi-million dollar Fire and Rescue Station in Central Honiara to the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) Commissioner Frank Prendergast.
The gifting of the ‘fit-for-purpose’ Central Fire and Rescue Station marked RAMSI’s last major step in ensuring that the RSIPF’s emergency responders are ready when RAMSI leaves mid this year.
The centrally located Station will be the headquarters of RSIPF firefighters, first aid and emergency responders, who have been trained to RAMSI’s high standards. It also includes a training centre for current and future generations of emergency service personnel.
Over the past 14 years, eight RAMSI advisers selected from Fire and Rescue New South Wales (Australia) have guided and supported the rebuilding of the RSIPF’s Fire and Rescue Department.
The Special Coordinator thanked these advisers for their dedication and commitment.
Mr Devlin concludes, Solomon Islanders should be very proud of the disciplined, accountable and skilled group of emergency responders who are ready to come to their aid.