Landslide claimed life in Malaita

At least one life has been claimed by a landslide that took the villagers of U’unimenu, South Malaita, by surprise early this morning.
The disastrous landslide also buried five houses, injured two adults and living two children missing.
A Villager, Lloyd Oha, told SIBC News the landslide was caused by continuous heavy downpours and severe flooding.
While a search is ongoing for the missing children, Mr. Oha calls for immediate action from the responsible authorities.
This week alone, two seperate landslide due to the persisting bad weather claimed lives.
One in Gizo, Western Province, and yesterday landslide at South Malaita.
Meanwhile, National Disaster Management Office has appeal on the Public to take extra precaution in during this wet weather season.
by Zeri Leni