One of SITAG's recent workshops. Photo:

One of SITAG’s recent workshops. Photo:

A workshop to create a Malango Language Dictionary will start in Belaha next week.

A statement from the Solomon Islands Translation Advisory Group, SITAG, said Malatoha and Belaha community members will be participating in the workshop in Belaha from 17 to 28 February.

The dictionary task is part of a Bible translation program that has started in the Central Guadalcanal area.

Two more dictionary workshops are planned for the Bahomea and Gold Ridge regions later in the year. The goal is to have these workshops contribute words to a language dictionary.

The statement said this dictionary will serve the Bible translation work in the future, as well as give the community a sense of pride in their mother tongue.

Participants will represent the South Seas Evangelical and Catholic churches in the language area, and include older and younger, and male and female members.

Together with advisors from Solomon Islands Translation Advisory Group, SITAG, they hope to gather a large collection of words in a busy but fun ten-day workshop.

SITAG Advisor Andrew Van Andel said interested people living in one of these areas can also participate, by asking their local church leaders for more information about the workshop.

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