Court mallet. Photo credit: SIBC.

Court mallet. Photo credit: SIBC.

The Magistrate Court has sentenced a man to serve nine months in prison for stealing $800.00 from an elderly man in May 2012.

Luke Lale was sentenced early this week after pleading guilty to the charges of larceny from a person, escape from lawful custody and common assault.

He stole $800.00 from a 50-year-old man in front of the Low Price Enterprise Shop.

He caused the man to fall down while he escaped with the money in broad daylight.

Lale was arrested in September 2013, but he escaped while already inside their custody. Police chased after him and captured him on the same day.

Before being caught he punched another person in front of the New General Store at Point Cruz. He did this because the victim refused to give his shirt when he asked him.

The Presiding Magistrate said he takes into account Lale’s guilty plea to all the charges against him. He sentenced him to serve nine months for all the charges.

The sentence includes time already spent in custody.

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