Market vendors from Northeast Guadalcanal highlands have accused the Honiara City Council of unfair treatment saying Council officers are charging them for their product and not by table blocks.
A James Viriala told SIBC News yesterday, a group of women vendors raised the matter to him, saying they are not treated fairly by council officers who collect the daily market fees from vendors.
Mr Viriala reported the women vendors as saying the Council Officers are charging them fees according to fruit varieties they are selling and not by table blocks.
“They told me that whenever they went to sell their products at the Central market, the market fee vary according to the varieties of fruits they sell, for instance, corn, pumpkin and other fruits will have different market fees unlike in the past one can only be charged for the block of table they are using at the market. Even those who sell their products outside of the market are also raising concerns over the fee charges, saying they shouldn’t be paying fees as there is not enough space at the market and shelter from the heat.”
The Honiara City Council is still without a Market Master.
SIBC News hopes to get a response from the responsible Honiara City Council department today.