Solomon Islands Meteorological Service official logo. Photo: Courtesy of Solomon Islands Met Services
The Solomon Islands Meteorological Services has installed the first of its many automatic rainfall stations in Avuavu and Marau in Guadalcanal province.
Director MET services David Hiriasia said, pilot installation is already completed for an automatic weather station in Avuavu and an automatic rainfall station in Marau.
“We did its installation, we’ve installed one at Avuavu and it is an automatic weather station and the equipment installed in Marau is an automatic rainfall station, and the slight difference between the two is that the equipment at Marau only measures rainfall and the one at Avuavu measures every other associated weather aspects, like rainfall, windspeed and the like.”
Hiriasia adds, the two stations have already started data collection for MET service, an up to date process which further improves the role played by the national MET service.
Meanwhile, Marau community representative Patrick Haukare said his people have acknowledged the important installation as it will help gauge the weather and assist them implement their food security measures in times of disaster.
“The first thing we’ll be happy about is that we’ll know the time, days and months of wet weather because we can collect data and information about them so as to also help us in terms of food security”, he said.