11th Festival of Pacific Arts logo. Photo credit: Pacific Arts.

11th Festival of Pacific Arts logo. Photo credit: Pacific Arts.

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism’s Culture Division is gearing up for the up coming 12th Festival of Pacific Arts to be held in Guam from 22 May to 4th June this year.

Director of Culture, Dennis Marita told SIBC News today a task force is currently working to ensure that the country maintains its potential.

He says they are currently putting things together and a task force has been setup within the Ministry to work on the preparations.

“We are currently putting things together, a taskforce has been set up within the Ministry with other relevant government departments that will support us in putting a contingent together. A Cabinet paper will hopefully be delivered to the Cabinet next week so just this week I had consultations with our Minister and our acting Permanent Secretary. Definitely we need additional funds to get a contingent of 150 people over to Guam.

Meanwhile, Mr. Marita says they are looking at a $5.5 million budget to send a contingent to Guam.

“At the moment the recurrent allocation within our department’s budget is only $1.3 million. To be exact we’re looking at $5.5 million to get the whole contingent over to Guam.”

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