Miss Lauru crowned as Miss Solomon Islands 2024-2025

Miss Lauru crowned as Miss Solomon Islands 2024-2025


Miss Lauru, Elsie Polosovai has been crowned as the Miss Solomon Islands 2024-2025.

Ms. Polosovai was crowned at the Pacific Crown Hotel last night.

Speaking after her crowning, Ms. Polosovai said she will do her best to represent the country on the Pacific stage.

” It is with great honour and humility to take on the role as your next Miss Solomon Islands.”

” I humbly accept this role and I will do my best to the best of my ability to represent all of us on the Pacific stage, and to carry the pride of Solomon Islands with me everywhere I go.”


Ms. Polosovai also acknowledged her team and sponsors, the Lauru Peoples Association for their support throughout the Miss Solomon Islands Pageant.

Miss Lauru receiving her crown from the former Miss Solomon Islands, Tiare Haro.

Polosovai will be representing the country in next year’s Miss Pacific Islands Pageant, which is set to be hosted in Honiara.

The final results are as follows:

Overall Winner- Miss Solomon Islands 2024-2025- Miss Lauru (Elsie Polosovai)

First runner-up- Miss Tourism ( Kerrie Faradatolo)

Second runner- up- Miss Coral Seas Resort & Casino ( Sharllyma Aruhane)

Third runner-up- Miss Tulagi ( Jayn Zayniellar Soakai )

Fourth runner-up- Miss SICAN ( Azarinna Zolela Stevens)

Fifth runner- up – Miss Guadalcanal ( Ezinma Kausua)

Other awards include:

Miss Personality – Miss Guadalcanal ( Ezinma Kausua)

Miss Photogenic- Miss Tulagi ( Jayn Zayniellar Soakai )

Float Category- Miss Tulagi ( Jayn Zayniellar Soakai )

Speech Category- Miss Lauru (Elsie Polosovai)

Social Media- Miss Lauru (Elsie Polosovai)

Introduction category- Miss Lauru (Elsie Polosovai)

Sarong Category- Miss Coral Seas Resort & Casino ( Sharllyma Aruhane)

Talent Category- Miss Lauru (Elsie Polosovai)

Traditional Contemporary- Miss Lauru (Elsie Polosovai)

Interview Category- Miss Lauru (Elsie Polosovai)


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