MNPDC takes serious steps on risk-informed development
The Ministry of National Planning and Development Coordination (MNPDC) and development partners are taking important steps on risk-informed development to make sure resilience is always at the core.
MNPDC Permanent Secretary (PS), Susan Sulu said ensuring the integration and a clear recognition of the risk-informed development process is very important.
The MNPDC PS highlighted that her ministry is working closely with development partners to develop risk-screening tools, and as well as integrate consideration into the planning and budgeting process.
“MNPDC is taking important steps to ensure that development across Solomon Islands is risk-informed.”

MNPDC Permanent Secretary, Susan Sulu highlighted the importance of risk-informed development. Photo: MNPDC
Ms Sulu said the launch of Roadmap for Improving to Climate Finance recently, shows that the government and development partners are working collaboratively to implement the recommendations set out in the Solomon Islands Climate Change and Disaster Risk Finance Assessment Report that was launched five to six years ago.
PS Sulu encouraged all stakeholders and partners to implement the recommendations and the direction the roadmap has set as it is very important.
While congratulating the Ministry of Finance and Treasury (MoFT), the UNDP Governance for Resilient Development in the Pacific (Gov4Res) project and Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS) on driving this very important work forward, Ms Sulu said risk-informing the planning process, and risk informing the policy formulation process and decision making are important.
Minister of Finance and Treasury (MoFT), Hon. Harry Kuma emphasized that the impacts of climate change and disaster risks remain a top priority for the government and these are clearly articulated in Policy frameworks such as National Development Strategies, National Adaptation Plans, Solomon Islands Climate Change Policy, Disaster Management plans, and so on.
“Solomon Islands alone cannot respond effectively without accessing global climate finances to support its interventions. Unlocking access to these funds is very important and I urge development partners, line ministries, NGOs and the private sector that our collaborations are very important for a resilient Solomon Islands,” Hon. Kuma said.
MoFT Permanent Secretary McKinnie Dentana emphasized that MoFT, the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology (MECDM) and MNPDC are working in partnership to promote cohesion across sectors and through all national development planning and financing, to ensure resilience is at the core.
Mr Dentana also thanked PIFS and UNDP Gov4Res project for supporting SIG in developing this 5-year climate finance roadmap.
“Umi together for a Resilient Solomon Islands,”Mr Dentana said.
MNPDC Media release