Gender inequality. Photo credit:

Gender inequality. Photo credit:

More actions are required to promote equitable opportunities for women in public service and education, says the country’s first ever National Gender Assessment.

Endorsed at a one-day workshop today, the Country Gender Assessment states the Government shows commitment in this area, and in eliminating violence against women, but more needs to be done to translate commitments into actions.

The assessment – a collaborative effort of ADB, SPC and the Government – aims to inform policymakers, civil society, and development partners about gender-related barriers to inclusive development across various sectors.

The assessment also recommends ways to incorporate gender concerns into government policies and programs.

Permanent Secretary for Women, Youth, Children and Family Affairs, Ethel Sigimanu says the goal is to better focus development policies and priorities on improving the quality of women’s lives by ensuring they have equal access and opportunities across all areas of development.

Meanwhile, ADB’s Principal Social Development Specialist, Sunhwa Lee says today’s meeting will establish a platform for the sharing of information and knowledge of the Solomon Islands Country Gender Assessment.

According to the Country Gender Assessment – while there is good news in the key findings, more efforts are needed to: improve women’s health; give women equitable access to education; promote women’s equal participation in the economy and government decision-making, and prevent violence against women.

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