Vice President for women in sports Solomon Islands said more girls should come out and play sports. Photo:
Vice President for Women in Sports in Solomon Islands, Nina Davies says more young girls should come out and play sports.
In an interview with Tok Sports, Ms Davies says the lack of competitive sports for women and girls in Solomon Islands is hindering the country from getting more medals during international sports competitions.
“We don’t have a lot of women and girl athletes playing competitive sports that should represent the country. That’s the reason why we cannot win medals because we don’t have a tough competition for women, for girls to try and get in the national team. We don’t have that. As long as you play because the number is not there, that’s how you can go in and represent the country”.
Ms Davies said the worrying thing now is women and girls do not see the need to play sports.
She said compared to other countries, the participation of women and girls in sports in Solomon Islands is very low.
“I see in Solomon Islands participation of girls in sports is very low. A lot of girls and women only play netball, with basket ball second and then women’s soccer and then for individual sports, it’s very low. I should say a lot of individual sports that we have the high chance to win medals, less than 20 girls or even less than 10 girls participated in them. But looking at the ratio, there are more females than males in terms of the population, but participation in sports is lacking”, said Mrs. Davies.