NDMO awaits cyclone Liua assessment reports

Effects of the recent Tropical Cyclone Pam in Temotu Province. Photo: Courtesy of World Vision Solomon Islands.
The National Disaster Management Office, NDMO, is waiting for initial damage assessment reports from the Provincial Disaster Offices to determine the impacts of tropical cyclone Liua.
Category 1 tropical cyclone Liua swept through parts of Guadalcanal and Makira Ulawa provinces last weekend leaving behind trails of damaged homes and food gardens.
Health authorities in Makira Ulawa Province have also confirmed one death resulting from the cyclone.
NDMO Principal Programs Officer, Brian Tom told SIBC News provincial disaster offices would lead their own assessments that would determine the next steps to be taken.
“So now as I’ve said they will be leading assessments in their own provinces so the NDMO will expect them to organise themselves and then do the assessments and compile the reports so we are still to receive initial damage assessments from the provinces and I understand it is still too early for initial assessment reports to come in so currently they are doing assessments in their own provinces”.
Mr Tom said they were expecting to receive initial damage assessment reports from the provinces by the end of next week.
“This means that if the provinces are quick then we will also be on time so how soon will depend on how quick teams from the provinces will conduct their assessments and compile reports, but in our case we expect to receive those reports by the end of this week or early next week so we can be able to see how we can plan our response efforts based on the assessments”.
BY: Rickson Bau.