New $40 note to be introduced before independence anniversary.


Central Bank of Solomon Islands headquarters in Honiara. Photo: CBSI.


The date for the launching and unveiling of the new forty-dollar note will be made known soon.

The Manager Currency and Banking within the Central Bank of Solomon Islands, Mr Joe Vasuni confirmed today.

Mr Vasuni said the date was not yet fixed but plans were in placed to conduct the launch and the unveiling of the new note before the 40-years anniversary celebration.

“In the pipeline, there’ll be a launching soon, at which the unveiling will take place too, the same time. And until the time which the launch will be done and which the unveiling of the physical appearance and details of the forty dollar note, at this stage nothing has yet done after the simple announcement of that (new forty dollar note) during the launching of the annual report by the Governor, ” Mr Vasuni said.

He said the announcement would be made soon once the formalities are completed.

Mr Vasuni added, CBSI is working on the formalities of the note to make sure all the stages required are met before the public can use it.

“As always the case like in any production of bank notes, there’s a process or there are stages to follow so that the formalities are not over looked before it becomes legal tender, so until and unless the formalities are fully compliant with and then it becomes legal tender note or coin, so at this stage the process towards ensuring all these formalities are fully observed then the date for launching will be confirmed.” he said.

Mr Vasuni said all stake holders will be informed once a date is fixed, adding that will probably be three weeks from now.

By: Allen Waitara.


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