An example of Trade. Photo  credit: informationcell.wordpress.com

An example of Trade. Photo credit: informationcell.wordpress.com

Solomon Islands National Trade Development Council (NTDC) has held its first meeting this year, Tuesday in Honiara.

Vice chairman of the council and Director for industries Riley Mesepitu says he is pleased to see the commitment of NTDC members to attend the meeting, as is the key forum to discuss and decide on important issues of Trade and development in this country.

A media statement from the Foreign Affairs states, Mr Mesepitu says these are issues relating to trade development processes including trade policy formulation and implementation, trade mainstreaming into national development plans and ensure effective coordination and buy-in among various Government institutions, the private sector, civil society and other stakeholders.

Mr Mesepitu adds it also ensures effective coordination amongst government ministries, private sector organizations and civil society organisations.

Meanwhile, Mr Mesepitu says he is confident that the deliberation of this Council will enable it maximise the benefits of global trading opportunities.

The NTDC is a senior level forum for decision making and coordination of trade development policy in Solomon Islands including trade policy formulation and trade mainstreaming into national development plans, which meets on a quarterly basis.

It was established to oversee the overall trade development processes and to ensure effective coordination amongst government ministries and institutions, private sector organisations, civil society and non-governmental organisations.

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